举报滥用 (TK/ML/CF/GA/GQ)
Freenom 业务非常开放,为所有国家所有成员提供服务。 正因为如此,大量欺诈者使用我们的服务,我们都非常清楚这一点。 Freenom负责滥用和版权侵犯管理部门处理每天24小时有效处理所有垃圾邮件、网络钓鱼、滥用和侵犯版权问题。
根据Freenom政策,注册的免费域名可以立即取消,以降低潜在危害。 Freenom与全球许多政府执法机构、商标组织和反垃圾邮件代理密切合作,有效打击欺诈。
如果您有关于域名的投诉,请发送电子邮件至abuse[at] freenom.com 关于垃圾邮件或网络钓鱼问题。 如果您觉得版权受到侵犯,请通过电子邮件发送您的投诉至copyright[at] freenom.com。
Report abuse paid domains (non-TK/ML/CF/GA/GQ)
If your abuse complaint regards a paid domain name not bearing the TK, ML, CF, GA or GQ domain extension you may file your complaint by sending an email to abuse-gtld[at]freenom.com. Upon receipt of your email you will be assigned a ticket number.
In your email please substantiate your allegations with concrete evidence and/or any other relevant information to verify the abuse incident and help Freenom to take appropriate action. Keep in mind that depending on the type of the issue you’d like to report, the evidence may vary.
If you have a ticket opened with the Freenom Abuse Department and would like to provide more details or have further questions, please continue this conversation via the ticket. This reduces cross-referencing and confusion, contributing to an efficient and timely communication.
Our general ticket processing time is 72 hours, but it may vary for each specific case.
IMPORTANT: Ticket processing time may not indicate the timeframe in which the issue will be resolved. Depending on the particular case and the type of the issue, it may take a different amount of time for our investigation to be performed.
All complaints are investigated and actions are taken when necessary. However, we do not always respond with the outcome of our investigation.
Freenom Anti-Abuse API
出于这个原因Freenom开发了反滥用API。 该界面允许值得信赖的合作伙伴网上报告滥用或误用Freenom域名。 被举报域名将立即下线。
为了使用API,合作伙伴需要的签订Freenom反滥用协议。 在收到和批准本协议后,Freenom管理层将给每位合作伙伴签发反滥用帐户,帐户包括电子邮件地址和密码信息。 如果您想成为一个值得信赖的伙伴,请发送电子邮件partners[at]freenom.com以获取更多信息。